Friday, August 20, 2010

Navajoland Part 2- Natural dyeing

On our second day at Window Rock we drove west and picked up a Navajo Weaver named Rose Dedman at her house and then proceeded up the escarpment to the Defiance Plateau where we collected a variety of natural dye stuffs.

Here is the view across the plateau.  It looks just like sage brush but there is actually a lot of other stuff growing there if you look carefully.  We had one team collecting sage brush.  Another team collecting Rabbit brush which is bright green with yellow flowers.  My team was collecting a lichen that grows on the top of the soil.

On the way back to Rose's house we stopped at the edgle of the plateau to admire the view of the valley below.  Then onward to get to the dyeing!

We set up five dye vats.  We had four gas burners to use.  The first pot had Wild carrot root in it that Mary had collected previously.  Wild carrot is related to Dock (Rumex) and makes a beautiful rich gold color.  We did a pot of Navajo tea which made a light green color.  The Rabbit Brush made an outrageously bright green.  And the Lichen came out light yellow.  We rinsed the skeins and then hung them to dry on the fence line.  I don't know why I didn't take a picture of the fence with all the dyed skeins draped over it because it was a lovely sight.

Rose's grandchildren showing off the rugs that they wove.

Chasing rain clouds on the way back to the Hotel. Another evening spent working on our own rugs.

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